Thursday, December 24, 2009

Phone thief caught after answering call

A mobile phone thief was caught after he answered a call and gave the his victim his name and address, a court has heard.

Peter Gamblin, 24, answered his phone he had taken just hours before and gave him his personal details in an ''act of bravado.''

At Lincoln Crown Court Gamblin, a former England under-16 billiard champion, from Lincoln, Lincs., denied the robbery, claiming he was at his sister's house.

But a jury took just 25 minutes to convict him.

Judge Ebrahim Mooncey granted Gamblin bail for the preparation of a probation report but warned him to expect custody when he is sentenced in the New Year.

He said: ''The jury have found you guilty of a robbery and that sort of crime usually means a custodial sentence.''

Gamblin, played billiards at an international level until 2003.


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