Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mind Mapping - Recall

Under normal circumstances, with our understanding being fairy constant, we have the tendency to "recall more at the beginning and ends of learning periods" (Buzan 2007, p63): "more of the items which are associated by repetitions, sense, rhyming etc; more of things which are outstanding or unique; and considerably less of things from the middle of learning periods" (Buzan 2007, p63). Buzan (2007, p62) states that during learning "memory and understanding do not work in exactly the same way as time progresses", with the tendency for recall to get progressively worse, unless the mind is given intervals for (brief) rest. And intervals for (brief) rest, in addition, can be useful as relaxation points: getting "rid of the muscular and mental tension which inevitably builds up during periods of concentration" (Buzan 2007, p64). So, in order for recall to be kept at a reasonable level, "it is necessary to find the point at which recall and understanding work in greatest harmony" (Buzan 2007, p63-64). According the Buzan (2007), this point occurs within a time period of between 20 to 50 minutes. A time period shorter than this point (of between 20 to 50 minutes) would not give the mind sufficient time to understand the rhythm and organization of the material, and a time period longer than this point (of between 20 to 50 minutes) would result in the continuing decline of the amount of information being recalled (Buzan 2007). "If a period of learning from a lecture is to take two hours, it is far better to arrange for brief breaks during these two hours" (Buzan 2007, pg 64); keeping the recall curve high and prevent it from dropping during the later stages of learning. ...Read more>>

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